Rtn. Otto Rieve from Canada


India – exotic, chaotic, diverse, fascinating history, exciting present, and large in area and large in population. I have ridden motorcycles in all six rideable continents and India, as a sub-continent of Asia, is almost large enough to be a continent on its own. It beckons me to explore it.

When I saw the notice that Rotarians in District 3181 were sponsoring a motorcycling ride as a fund-raiser for Rotary, I sent in my registration details immediately. I look forward to this adventure, riding with motorcycling Rotarians and sharing in fellowship, friendship and fun.

The International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians is just one of the Rotary fellowships that I have joined and is the one in which I am most active since I retired as a CPA in 2000. Whenever I can I ride to the Rotary Convention and have ridden from Vancouver BC on Canada’s Pacific Coast to San Antonio TX, New Orleans LA, Montreal QC, and Toronto ON.

My motorcycling adventures in Asia are few and this ride in India is an opportunity to expand them. I certainly think of this Rotary Ride in India not as a tour on smooth tar pavement but as an adventure in a chaos alternating with great roads, fantastic views and geography, and people friendly and otherwise.
Cities will be bustling and noisy but there will also be oases of tranquility in the cities and in the countryside.

With a history of five thousand years, there is much to discover in the architectural styles evidenced by buildings and structures whether they be current office buildings or apartments, urban architecture, temples, the Taj Mahal, and rural residences or shelters offering various types of amenities. Due to the diligence and industry of the Indian people, a great civilisation continues to evolve juxtaposed with unfathomable squalor. I look forward with great anticipation to this Ride for Rotary 3 in District 3181 in India and to meeting its Rotarians and some non-Rotarians.


When I ride my motorcycles, I am not always aiming to arrive at a place in the country or on the planet as in a journey. When I ride, the journey itself is the point not the destination, perhaps as others find when playing music, the playing itself is the point. I ride and must be totally in the moment as the same thing may be true in meditation. While riding a motorcycle I am alone with myself and can reflect on life. “Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment”. Riding IS living – in the moment.

Particularly on my 2016 ride from Argentina to Alaska’s Arctic Ocean, I have relearned humility, patience and self-forgiveness. One needs to do all of these to be comfortable enough in one’s skin to endure and complete such rides.

Go ride and out a psychiatrist out of work. So many roads, so little time.

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